Hey family!
Well what can I say, everything is good out here in Chihuahua! Although it's starting to get pretty hot. I got that neck and arm tan line going reallllll nice. Ha! But yea, the time is really starting to fly by - like really fast. I don't know what it is, but yea, it's pretty nuts!
Hey tell Aunt Jen Thank You for the letter!!!! I really appreciate it! Also Thank You Grandma and Grandpa for the card! It was really sweet! And Lexi, that letter was super nice, but I didn't get the email. And Mom, I got the Valentines Day package and it was awesome, and well, it still is awesome, because there was lots of food and I'm no where near finished with it! Haha! But thank you, thank you everyone!
OK, well, we're still working a lot out here in Cerro Grande II, and we're still teaching the thirteen year old, and she's still incredibly excited to be baptized. We're also working with a few more families, and one of the families attended church this past week! The mom is super awesome and she asks a lot of questions, like really good, thoughtful questions that actually help provide evidence in favor of our church! It's really cool to be a part of this process for so many people.
Also, I had an interview with President this week, and he told me some interesting things. For one, he interviewed a girl that the other missionaries in Cerro Grande I are teaching. He told me that he asked her who are the missionaries that have taught her, and she listed some names, my name included - because at times we have divisions, and well, the truth is I've had like 4 or 5 lessons with her. President then told me that I can consider her a baptism one for me, as well as all the other people that I teach who come to be baptized, whether I'm the one who performs the ordinance or not. And the truth, that really stuck out to me. Right now we're working with a lot of people, and I've worked with a lot of people in my part of Cerro Grande, and also the other side. And because the people here need 5 weeks of attendance, it's super possible that I'm gonna leave before my investigators here are baptized. But I take comfort in knowing that I helped them arrive to where they'll be, if that makes sense. And so, although I may not have a lot of baptisms personally at the end of two years, I'll definitely have a lot of people that I taught, helped, served, and worked with for extended periods of time. :)
President shared something else I think is awesome, it's something that's been a consistent message in my life... hahaha... He told me that it's not an accident that I'm here in Chihuahua, and that God is going to help me accomplish all the things that He sent me here to do. And well, before the mission, the quote that stood out to me was that 'God didn't send us here to fail'. And a few days before the interview with President, I found this quote in a Liahona magazine, and put it up in our room.

And so needless to say, hearing these words from President really touched me, and as we talked the spirit was really strong and we both ended up crying. It was a really sweet moment.
Well, life is awesome here in Chihuahua. Really hard and really heavy at times, haha, but overall, really, really good. And I can't believe that we're about to finish February. It blows my mind honestly.
I'm sure there's more but I kinda forget. I guess that's what my journal is for! Haha!
So until the next week!
A selfie at Ciber with Elder Sanchez
and just chillin after our weekly planning session
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